Sunday, 6 September 2009

Dreams in Luxe

Well I'm sorry again for the lack of blog posting but the Internet seems to hate me. I cannot go near it without it breaking. So I've come to my fathers and am hijacking his instead. I'm a pretty clever girl underneath these bangs.

So autumn/winter is upon us; it's in the shops,it's in the magazines and it's outside our very own front door. I know this might be quite a strange statement but I do quite like winter. You can wear beautiful coats, big chunky scarves, layering double cardies with pretty dresses and thick cable knit tights. It is a time where more means more and i love it!

Now i loved Chloe's Spring/Summer 09 collection. Those scalloped shorts were to die for. They haven't disappointed with their A/W 09/10 pret-a-porter collection either, whats more their ad campaign is beautiful; Its like little house on the prairie meets Charlies Angels in the most luxurious materials imaginable. The runway show was such a range of looks i just don't know where to start. Hannah MacGibbon used pressed felt, soft flannel, blanket wools, silk, leather and velvet. The pieces had an impeccable tailoring, the pieces were in some places boxy and masculine held in with tight woven belts. And then on the other side there were feminine blouses, floaty Grecian dresses and sparkles.

So my favourite 3pieces; the one shoulder velvet(?) all in one, the velvet dungarees with chain straps and the jacquard blouse with embellished shoulders. OK well only choosing 3 pieces doesn't really sum up how much i loved this collection, we haven't even got to the OTK leather boots or the fact Hannah showed embellished sandals in a WINTER collection. Oh and the tassels....

1 comment:

Ásgerður Snævarr said...

that was about time!! go blog more more more!! and more pictures!