Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Band Crush

Last night I schlepped my little bum to KOKO in Camden to see my new favourite band crush; Hurts. The duo of Theo and Adam are actually pals of my flatmate and my fella, and it was amazing seeing Theo stand up on stage with all the bright lights and fans screaming their lyrics.

All biasedness aside it was easily on of the best gigs I have been to in ages; the band on before them Everything Everything were seamless and the crowed was electric. Hurts performance was captivating, and the opera singer they had was the cherry on top.

One aspect of Hurts that inspires me (aside from their brilliantly crafted pop songs) is their wonderfully styled videos and sharp tailoring. Their look is pretty impeccable and has an edge of 40s saville row with Morrissey charisma. They have also not taken the conventional music route; A&R basically followed them throughout the whole of Europe to convince them to sign a deal and they have no standard myspace, meaning that you can't get over saturated with their tunes and each now songs is a new discovery. Theo has always been a sharp dresser but their reversion to classic tailoring is a breath of fresh air from the usual deshevelled indie kids in girls trousers. Not that I am against the whole Razorlight look- but I would pick a Theo inspired style over a Johnny anyday.

I should also add who I saw at the gig...none other than Pam Hogg, Ben Grimes and Calvin Harris!
It was all very exctiting.
I have a feeling these boys are going to be rock superstars at this is just that start of their celebrity fanbase.

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