Sunday, 16 May 2010

Hair obbsession

One thing about myself that I have always had a massive problem with is my hair. I wish I was rich and able to afford a proper groomed hair-do but I am very broke and to he honest I have never had the best experience at hair dressers. I have naturally very curly hair but about a year and a half ago I had it chemically straightened and a blunt fringe cut in; this has left me with very curly roots and straight ends and an annoying fringe that I am growing out.
It is a big old fugly mess.

This leaves me partial to a lot of hair dreaming.

My current hair obsession is the whole Bettie Page look which is sweeping through the American popstresses and is also rocked by my favourite red head (bar Jessica Rabbit and Ariel - obviously) Karen Elson.

Here she is performing her song 'The Ghost Who Walks' (apparently inspired by her time suffering from an eating disorder when she was at school).

Beyonce and Rihanna have also been spotted sporting 'the Betty Page' in the their videos. The only downside that I can envisage of this look is that is appears to require a fair bit of maintenance; you know fringe trimming, hair curling fringe straightening. And changing your mind about this drastic fringe is going to require a lengthy growing out period...fugly alert right there. If it could be maintained to look like Katy Perry's version then I think all my hair woes could be banished...

...then all this little blogger's hair dreams would come true

1 comment:

Céline Ducruet said...

hey guapa ! bonitas fotos ven a visitar mi blog te he dedicado un articulo :) besitos linda