Thursday, 25 February 2010

My favourite new form of inspiration. This website offers a daily dose of innovative imagery from differing editors and contributors with the backing of the luxury group, LVMH. The main hope of this project is that it will set 'a new standard for experiencing high-end fashion, culture and global events digitally'.
Give it a go, I dare you not to be mesmerized.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

My LFW Wears.

My Day1: Fashion week introduction...eek what to wear?! Finally opted for H&M t-shirt, Topshop lace skirt, Alpha 60 and Vivienne Westwood necklaces and my flatmates vintage brown boots.

My Day2: Unfortunately this outfit was a bit of a rush, not what you want for fashion week introduction. So ran out into the horrid weather in my flatmates Vintage fur coat, Second hand T-shirt, Vintage gingham skirt, H&M Black wedged Ankle boots.

My Day3: My first ever pap snap from taken on Tuesday in Somerset House. This, as it happens, was also my favourite outfit over the three days I attended. A Coat I got tailored in China, Vintage stole, Second-hand top, Floral trousers from China, H&M socks and Office shoe boots.

LFW Experience

I have had a very busy week! Last Thursday was my birthday- I am now the grand old age of 22- Friday was my party and the weekend was my introduction into London Fashion Week. I very luckily have been given a selection of tickets to shows from my lovely flatmate and blogger, Hannah -A Ballad of a Cold Lost Marble- for my birthday.
I know it sounds geeky but being at fashion week really was a dream come true. The atmosphere at Somerset House was amazing, all around were beautiful and inspirational fashionistas and seeing the collections, and the designers' genius, first hand was so awe-inspiring and made me realize even more that my dream is to not only be a spectator but to really be involved in fashion week.
My highlights where seeing Anna Wintour at a Liberty event, meeting Mark Fast and David Koma (who were both absolutely lovely and charming), watching Jordan Dunn strut down the catwalk and, I guess, just being there to experience it all. Role on September.

Rodart Shoes

KTZ Platforms

Holly Fulton

Krystof Strozyna

Emilio de la Morena

His show was incredible. I adored the prints which came from mixing oil colours with wax, and another process which involved combining watercolours with salt. Genius. There was also a very exciting collaboration between Emilio and Loro Piana, the revered Italian luxury house who are famed for their wools, which produced beautiful parkas. It was so exciting to be sitting in the stands for this show, the vibrancy and beauty is hard to convey but I hope you can feel a bit of it through the video, it really was a privilege to see. Even Olivia Palermo agreed.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Alexa's Style for Sale

I am a bit of an unashamed Alexa Chung lover, always have been and probably always will be. Unfortunately I am a massive scorner of celebrity design collaborations, they generally offer a much cheaper and less exciting version of a style we love for being bold and unique, and therefore is only a disappointment. So these are the two mixed feeling that were flowing through me when I saw the collection that lovely Alexa has designed for Madewell.

So my review.
Well it is classic Alexa; children's coats, velvet, peter pan collars, brogues and clogs. Its cleverly designed clothes that look like they were picked up in beyond retro and are budget friendly toboot. The collection is sweet but a bit unoriginal in places, it isn't something that I don't see walking down the streets of London already. It will with out a doubt be a hit in America, who after all was the target consumer. Plus side is clogs were a feature in the collection; fingers crossed for cheap international shipping.

Marc's bag of tricks

New York

Zac Posen. Luxe from tip to toe, out with the maxi and in with mini and 40s style pants suit. Now where can I get a red velvet mini for my birthday?

New Shoes

Had a heart-jump-out-of-chest-moment when I stumbled into Topshop's shoe department (and it was a stumble underneath all the clothes I was carrying). The new Emma Cook sandles and Ashish platforms are in store and they are freaking insane. Now I normally am not a gaudy shoe fan but these shoes push my buttons in ways I never even new possible. Anyone got a spare £150?

Sorry about the poor quality of the images they're stolen from Google. But to be honest I don't think their epicness would come over through film anyway, they are just pure fantasy.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Majestic Millinery

These wonderful hats and bows are from Emma Fielden, a milliner
fantastique whose pieces are favoured by celebrities and the glossies alike, even Alexander McQueen has tapped into this talent.
My personal favourite is the gem encrusted lips.. incredible quirk with undeniable glamour.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Even though I hate my University library my dream is still to have a home library like one of these....

...although filled with F Scott Fitzgerald, Atwood and Penguin Classics and no Adam Smith or Noam Chomsky in sight.

Library Life...

My life is slowly being overtaken by the library, a thought that fills me with a small amount of dread and despair every time my alarm clock rings its morning death toll, but as I am in the last push of my final year it is kinda to be expected. Doesn't make it any good though.
Well anyway, being cooped up pouring over books means I need comfy clothes.
So here is my "Tuesday Library Style Special". My favourite new grey marl/black T-Shirt dress from H&M with a couple of old favourites too; my Mum's oversized grey hoodie (which has a very handy hood for hiding in), black and silver flecked Zara cardigan (layers are my tactic against the cold), patterned Urban Outfitters tights, very battered booties, old Levis' denim jacket and checked scarf stolen from my Mummy.

It is important to shake out the stresses of the day to some Marina and the Diamonds. Very very important.

Monday, 8 February 2010

MMMM Retro....

Cindy returning to her finest 90's form in another home-run Harper's Shoot. Apart from being breathtaking Cindy is also a ridiculously empowering woman; when she received negative press from feminists following her Playboy shoot Cindy quite rightly stated that 'the whole point of being a feminist is that you got to make your own decisions'.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Share and Share a like

Shopping is my favourite and least favourite thing in equal measures. I love the rush of finding the piece of clothing that gives you that Cinderella moment but I hate going into shops and finding nothing inspirational or intriguing. So I thought I would share with you the website that has given me more pleasure than any shop I have stepped foot in for a very long time!

So here it is; NastyGal. The prices ain't cheap but the pieces are unique and offer an alternative style aesthetic. They also stock very well sourced vintage and new designers. My birthday is coming up so rather than trawling the racks of Topshop or Beyond Retro I will be hunkering down in my dressing gown and finding that Cinderella piece @NastyGal.