Friday, 5 February 2010

Share and Share a like

Shopping is my favourite and least favourite thing in equal measures. I love the rush of finding the piece of clothing that gives you that Cinderella moment but I hate going into shops and finding nothing inspirational or intriguing. So I thought I would share with you the website that has given me more pleasure than any shop I have stepped foot in for a very long time!

So here it is; NastyGal. The prices ain't cheap but the pieces are unique and offer an alternative style aesthetic. They also stock very well sourced vintage and new designers. My birthday is coming up so rather than trawling the racks of Topshop or Beyond Retro I will be hunkering down in my dressing gown and finding that Cinderella piece @NastyGal.


bambam said...

oooooh, good find steph, very yummy bits x

Leia said...

I wonder what Nastygal shipping prices to the UK are like? I haven't properly explored the website, but really should.

Also, you asked Sherin how we got so many followers. Not sure if she answered, but basically the key is to be as personal as possible... post pictures of your style and let people get to know you. Also, we've probably been blogging a lot longer than you have (we started around a year ago) so we've had more time to accumulate followers! :)

the park said...

Ahh I 100 % agree with your love/hate relationship with shopping.

And, of course with NastyGal - great online shop for sure!

- s & a

Anonymous said...

I love the shoes!!
