Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Library Life...

My life is slowly being overtaken by the library, a thought that fills me with a small amount of dread and despair every time my alarm clock rings its morning death toll, but as I am in the last push of my final year it is kinda to be expected. Doesn't make it any good though.
Well anyway, being cooped up pouring over books means I need comfy clothes.
So here is my "Tuesday Library Style Special". My favourite new grey marl/black T-Shirt dress from H&M with a couple of old favourites too; my Mum's oversized grey hoodie (which has a very handy hood for hiding in), black and silver flecked Zara cardigan (layers are my tactic against the cold), patterned Urban Outfitters tights, very battered booties, old Levis' denim jacket and checked scarf stolen from my Mummy.

It is important to shake out the stresses of the day to some Marina and the Diamonds. Very very important.

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