Sunday, 15 November 2009


Went shoe shopping with a pal on Thursday for winter boots, she wanted flat pixie boots and I wanted the patent black heeled Dr Martens Darcie boots. No negotiation. On first impressions they are possibly one of the ugliest shoes around( as my pal was quick to point out) but on the feet they look heavenly. They also have a springy sole making them extremely comfortable, which in my new aim to wear my lovely heels more will come in handy. Sadly I couldn't find them in my size but the search will go on.

These grungy Courtney Love-esq boots would sit very comfortably with the Henry Holland for Pretty Polly tights I bought the following day. I deliberated for a long in front of the tight stand on which ones to buy and finally I opted for the house tights in black and the suspender tights in blue. And as I expected they have become my firm favourites already; even my boyfriends Dad commented on their brilliance. I'm generally a bit sceptical of designer high-street collaborations (especially if they involve H&M) but this one was very successful. Bravo Mr Holland.

images from and

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