Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Riotous Rummage

Sorry about the absence from the blog sphere but my life lately has had little worth documenting and between University, work and driving lessons I haven't even had a spare few minutes to myself over the past week. Now enough of the excuses and back to business.

For the past couple months I have been working part time at American Apparel and I have really started to love it. The company has an ethos of vertical integration that I really appreciate - especially their attitude towards works rights and equality. However, American Apparel have been in the headlines in the UK for all the wrong reasons since Friday due to the dramatic and unexpected start to their much anticipated rummage sale. I am sure a lot of you will have heard about what happened and some of you may even have seen the Youtube video, but here is a basic overview for all of those who are still unaware. Whilst queuing for entrance to the sale a few boys took advantage of the minimal security and started to create a bit of a scene jumping on cars and provoking fights. The police were called, in making - I believe- a few arrests,dispersing the crowd and calling for the event to be closed .

I headed down on Friday unaware of the chaos that had been going on earlier and got told that it would be closed the whole day and would reopen on Saturday. AA was hit quite badly by this fiasco with many customers scared off, unwilling to attend on another day. But security was beefed up and I decided to brave the fear and head over after (Easter) Sunday lunch to see what I could see. And boy oh boy am I glad I did. It was in an absolutely massive warehouse in Brick Lane filled to the brim with old AA stock that were all ridiculously cheap; for example shorts and skirts were a fiver and their very desirable hoodies were all going for £12, BARGAIN! I was also really happy to see some of the items I had been lusting after in store available including the spiral T, denim shorts and microfibre tulip skirt, which I snapped up immediately. There was very limited sizing and as a small lass I found I difficult seeing through all the XLs to find the limited XS and the even more limited (and better fitting) S.

It is such a shame that a few people ruined the event for lots of others and I hope those who did attend had as an enjoyable time as I did.

1 comment:

ELLE said...

LOVERS that spiderweb top! Would look gorge with some red lippy also.