Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Start Your Week Off Right

So somehow when the calender flickered over into 2010 there was a sudden transformation in the meaning of the "Monday"; they are no longer the depressing day that heralds in the start of another week of monotonous drudgery. A bit depressing in all forms. My least favourite day is now swiftly creeping to the top of my list of favourite days for two reasons. No 1 Unplugged at the Windmill and No 2 A Fashionable Pub Quiz; what is even better about this two events is that they run on alternate Mondays....ACE.

So yesterday was event No 1. This lovely intimate affair is an acoustic music night run my very talented friend Sam Brookes and in his very gorgeous girlfriend Alice's family pub, The Windmill in Mayfair. I have been to a fair few acoustic nights but I have never experienced an event quite like this; it has rules for a start. Well just one, no talking when acts are on stage. It is a very simple rule but it is what makes the event so incredible, it sort of feels like you are being serenaded in your living room. Sam also gets amazing acts performing like Lucy Rose, Pete Roe and Martin Newnham. To top it all off Alice's lovely parents even provide free home-made garlic bread fresh out of the pub kitchen. Heaven on a Monday.

Next Monday will be the Fashionable Pub Quiz which I attended a few weeks ago with fellow bloggers and lovely pals, Rosie of BamBam Chic fame, Marissa of Transpire to Inspire and Hannah, the face behind A Ballad of A Cold Lost Marble. It is sheer brilliance firstly because there is no obligatory god awful sports round anywhere insight, and secondly because the compare is the most hilarious fella that I ever did seen. The questions (as the name suggests) revolve around fashion, like who designed Priness Diana's wedding dress and when London Fashion Week was first established. It also included a picture round and an arts and crafts round; in which we were asked to design our own "very British outfit" using newspaper clippings, tape and coloured cardboard. I have to say that we didn't win and I personally wasn't even that good, but I have never failed so stylishly and having so much fun.

Roll on Monday!


bambam said...

yay for next weeks attempt to better our 3rd place position! x

Alice x said...

Sounds like a cool pub!!!! LOVE Acoustic



Carly said...

Hey Steph, these evening sound great, i especially love the fashion quiz. I've lost track of your email, let me know if you want to get together.
