Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Start Your Week Off Right

So somehow when the calender flickered over into 2010 there was a sudden transformation in the meaning of the "Monday"; they are no longer the depressing day that heralds in the start of another week of monotonous drudgery. A bit depressing in all forms. My least favourite day is now swiftly creeping to the top of my list of favourite days for two reasons. No 1 Unplugged at the Windmill and No 2 A Fashionable Pub Quiz; what is even better about this two events is that they run on alternate Mondays....ACE.

So yesterday was event No 1. This lovely intimate affair is an acoustic music night run my very talented friend Sam Brookes and in his very gorgeous girlfriend Alice's family pub, The Windmill in Mayfair. I have been to a fair few acoustic nights but I have never experienced an event quite like this; it has rules for a start. Well just one, no talking when acts are on stage. It is a very simple rule but it is what makes the event so incredible, it sort of feels like you are being serenaded in your living room. Sam also gets amazing acts performing like Lucy Rose, Pete Roe and Martin Newnham. To top it all off Alice's lovely parents even provide free home-made garlic bread fresh out of the pub kitchen. Heaven on a Monday.

Next Monday will be the Fashionable Pub Quiz which I attended a few weeks ago with fellow bloggers and lovely pals, Rosie of BamBam Chic fame, Marissa of Transpire to Inspire and Hannah, the face behind A Ballad of A Cold Lost Marble. It is sheer brilliance firstly because there is no obligatory god awful sports round anywhere insight, and secondly because the compare is the most hilarious fella that I ever did seen. The questions (as the name suggests) revolve around fashion, like who designed Priness Diana's wedding dress and when London Fashion Week was first established. It also included a picture round and an arts and crafts round; in which we were asked to design our own "very British outfit" using newspaper clippings, tape and coloured cardboard. I have to say that we didn't win and I personally wasn't even that good, but I have never failed so stylishly and having so much fun.

Roll on Monday!

Sunday, 28 March 2010


Just a bit of vintage Sevigny to start the day off right. How any one can be so amazing I don't know.

Friday, 26 March 2010


Tilda Swinton has always been someone who has inspired me. I would not consider myself a feminist but I adore the fact that she is an empowered women who does not fit into the archetypal Hollywood starlet image and who makes no excuses about it either. Her grasp of fashion is also undeniably different, she doesn't bow to trends and she is also actively involved in the art world. Creativity seems to run through her veins.
Her latest cinematic offering has again left me spellbound. I AM LOVE tells the story of the model matriarch of a very important Milanese family and how her repressed sexuality and passions bubble over into her own personal revolution. It is visually breathtaking in both the cinematography and wardrobe, which was provided by the incredibly talented Raf Simons at Jill Sander. The clothes are just one aspect of the beauty of this film and although the wardrobe of Tilda's character Emma offers a clear insight into her personality, Tilda has said herself that it means substantially less to the film than style does.

Maybe I am just old fashioned but this film feels like it will be a true cinematic experience in the simplest and most luxurious sense. I do not claim to be a film buff; I haven't caught onto this whole 3D thing yet and I can't list every Hitchcock or Woody Allen in chronological order. But I do know that this film makes my heart beat run a bit faster and makes me long for a Sunday matinee at my favourite velvet seated cinema.

I AM LOVE set for UK release April 6th.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


Vogue Germany April 2010.

Images via fashionising.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Growing Old Disgracefully

I don't fear getting older because I don't think that it means that your life suddenly stops, so I was thrilled to see this new blog called Advanced Style which features street snaps of the free bus pass-silver haired generation taken by Ari Seth Cohen. I love the fact that your style can evolve with age and in fact possibly get better -as Cohen's images capture beautifully. My great grandmother is another example of this and is also one of my greatest style inspirations. Every time I go over to her house I come home with a stylish little gem tucked under my coat that I have stolen out of her wardrobe. She never leaves the house without her hair done and make up delicately applied;looking pressed and preened to perfection.
Fingers crossed this stylishness runs in the gene pool, although I would settle with looking as fabulous as Debra.



Sunday, 21 March 2010

Hecq Vs Exillion "Spheres of Fury"

I am enamoured with the styling in this video. All the characters have strong individual looks but the final imagery is blinding; especially when mixed with the soft focus filming and dusty pink flares. The most stylish water fight I have ever seen, that's for sure. Oh and the tune isn't half bad either.

Sunday Sunny Sunday

Second-hand Jeans ~ Vintage Shoes ~ American Apparel Tank ~ Vintage Blouse ~ Levi Jacket ~ Vintage Bag

When I was younger Sunday was a day for long walks and simple pleasures, like poached eggs and Monarch of the Glen. But nowadays Sunday has become a day of recovery from the night before or a hard days work. So even though I was feeling undeniably fragile from last night, I decided a long leisurely walk to soak up the last rays of sunshine was definitely in order. And so was double deniming. I have been double deniming for a while now and today I used the simplest double denim combo; black jeans and blue jacket. The mix of black and blue denim hits the trend on the head but is a bit less scary than all out blue.
I know it maybe a faux pas but hey, rules are there to be broken.

What a beautiful Dalston day with my beautiful Dalston photographer.

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Here comes the sun....

Spring has most certainly sprung and I am deliriously happy, there is nothing better than the feeling of the sun on your face I tell thee. So decided to crack out the spring wardrobe too including my new favourites; the Zara clogs and my bargain Ebay Cat-eye sunglasses

Vintage sheer blouse - Cheap Monday jeans - Zara clogs - Cat eye sunglasses from Ebay

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Back to black

I am aware that spring summer is always about florals but now the fall collections have been shown I can't help wanting to reach for the black. I am something of an anti-chintz rampage this season; I hate that every time spring comes around I feel that I am being forced into flowery patterns and told to be a girly girl. But I want bold, I want drama.

So I think I will be channelling Proezna Schouler fall 2010/11 collection for my inspiration.

In my mind there was a certain misfit-gothic-cheerleader air to the collection. Pleated skirt+dark lipstick+toggle coat = what I want.

Monday, 15 March 2010

J'aime Le Paris

Anne Valerie Hash
This was one of the most youthful and current shows that were on offer. The sheer fabric was on the right side of sexy. I especially loved the sheer jersey and soft comfortable look that exuded from every piece. Very wearable.

Balenciaga really pulled out all the stops with this collection. For me it was pretty flawless from head to toe, in fact especially the toes; I adored the shoes. The futuristic collection never lost sight of the fact that this was to be warn. The short short skirts and pencil trousers in the beautiful light shades and prints have won my heart. Unlike in other collections Balenciaga didn't offer heavy knits but fine embellished jumpers that look impeccably soft.

Now this was a collection for the grown ups. The sex appeal exuded from this collection. Jersey material came in deep dark colours that was sculpted and given an asymmetry with clean lines. The shoulders were the feature that Elbaz wanted to show off and I think he did it very well. Although this collection is probably a little bit mature for my tastes I adored the one shoulder maxi pictured above; simple chic. The shaggy fur jackets were seen here and in many other collections and I can't wait for it to work its way into my wardrobe.

Sonia Rykiel
Get me a pom-pom head band now please! The first thing that struck me about this collection was how happy the models were, but then I would be pretty happy wearing any of these pieces too. I liked clever detail of the big pins that held together the heavy knits, whose softness I could feel through the camera. There was a genuine fresh femininity to all these looks with the silks, oversized pieces and wispy hair. It was fresh and a move away from the black that swamped many of the other shows.

The Chloe women has become clearly defined over the past few collections so even though it isn't new to use it still hasn't lost any of its charm. The heavy tweeds, oversized masculine coats and knitted trousers were a clear progression for the spring summer collection using the same hair and colour pallet. I also suspect it will become just as successful. However, on the downside I really hope there isn't a cowboy boot revival. Bad flash backs from when I was 16.

Now this show hasn't received the best press but I am so in love with it. In my view, Richard Nichol created a solid collection. Each look presented a variation on a singular colour and offered a creative take on layering. The variety of materials was probably the best bit; I adored the leather, soft knits and delicately draped silks. I can't even pin-point one look that I love most, every time I try I fall in love with a new one. Guess I better start saving my pennies now.

Im pretty sure lust is a sin, especially if it comes in the doses I feel for this collection.
Although there has been a denial of any religious links with this collection there are definite undertones of Catholicism in the imagery. Sheer was seen all over the Paris shows, but here it was probably one of the best places it was used. I want one of these maxi skirts as well, perfect for Sunday lounging...erm I mean Mass.

Stella McCartney
I love a bit if Stella, and I have to say this collection didn't disappoint. The simple tailored perfection was, well... perfect. I think my favourite piece was the one off, knitted high collared trapeze mini in bright orange: amazing!

This collection was a real progression from the couture collection. That may sound strange because couture shows are generally not trend lead but the Gothic undertones within this collection demonstrated obvious similarities. Colour was injected into the collection with blood red coats and minis and the sumptuous velvets and delicate laces gave a sexy maturity to this collection that was undeniably attractive.

Dries Van Noten
The massively overstated skirts and cool ass sun glasses created the most undeniably incredible combination. This collection was the perfect blend of masculine elements, in the blazers, military pocket detail on the dresses and aviators, and the feminine dark prints and beautiful court shoes. Big skirts seen here, Louis Vuitton and Chloe and it looks like they will be a big trend fall 2010/11. Not sure yet about how wearable they are; I like them on these tall leggy models but on my little short frame I ain't so sure. Doesn't take away the beauty of it all though.

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Love Affair

Oh what are these? Just my new clogs from Zara. Yeah you know, no biggy.

It was love at first sight.
The massive platform makes these gems exceedingly comfortable and I love the feeling of height...
a short gal needs a bit of elevation sometimes.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Word from the Wise

"Style is wearing an evening dress to McDonalds, wearing heels to play football. It is personality, confidence and seduction."

-John Galliano

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Style Advisor

I am fully aware that my love for Chloe Sevigny is borderline creepy but I don't care. She is probably my number 1 modern day style icon and so you can understand my excitement in seeing her as the cover for the April issue for ELLE UK.
Throughout 2009 Chloe was acting style advisor in ELLE, offering her pearls of wisdom to style confused ladies all over the UK, and it is nice to see they have asked this lady back for an interview and shoot for this year's style issue. I also love the fact that the Miu Miu collection was a massive component of this editorial (she even said in the that it was one of her favourite collections of S/S 10), the dog print has even been used in the ELLE title.

Clogs were also a big part of the feature. Sick of them yet? I am not and am also in something of a clog related predicament.

Should I save up and make the investment of the Miu Miu Daisy Clog,
get on the waiting list for the much cheaper Jeffrey Campbell Charlie C Clogs

or go ahead and get the Jeffrey Campbell Splendid Clog?
Stylistically my favourite would be the Miu Miu then the Charlie C and the Splendid. But I want clogs now and not sure if a £300 purchase on the Miu Mius is justified. I wish Chloe was my style advisor I am sure she would know what to do.