Thursday, 18 March 2010

Here comes the sun....

Spring has most certainly sprung and I am deliriously happy, there is nothing better than the feeling of the sun on your face I tell thee. So decided to crack out the spring wardrobe too including my new favourites; the Zara clogs and my bargain Ebay Cat-eye sunglasses

Vintage sheer blouse - Cheap Monday jeans - Zara clogs - Cat eye sunglasses from Ebay


Copious Couture said...

I love those clogs!! I've been searching for a pair just like that!


Dylana Suarez said...

Amazing outfit from head to toe! Love that blouse and those jeans are perfect on you!

ELLE said...

Was oggling these clogs at yours the other day when I was round! Yummy.

Anonymous said...

love this outfit- tres chic!

xx come visit!

Chris W. said...

IN LOVE with the shoes !!


Clara Campelo said...

wow. amazing look
love your glasses!!

Anonymous said...

love your Zara clogs. An your blog too!!


FELIX NINA said...

such a cute outfit! love it all! xo

Charlie said...

love your blouse and the shoes combo. why can i never find blouses like these in vintage stores?!

i just got your comment from back in december. thanks lovely! (i'll get the hang of this blogging world soon!!) i'm home soon! love you xxx

fashionfashionfashion said...

You are totes my new style thinspiration! Loving the clogs and the gorgeous white shirt. I need red hair.
