Friday, 5 March 2010

Friday Muse

Cher Horowitz from Clueless was my Friday muse.

I woke up in a big old grump on Friday and decided that I would purposely pursue the merits of the day starting with a bit of good old fashioned dress up. So I milkmaid braided my hair and decided that Friday was as perfect day as any to dress like one if my many fashion idols Cher Horowitz. I remember when I first watched Clueless how jealous I was of Cher's wardrobe machine and how it produced perfectly matching outfits. Incredible. Unfortunately my wardrobe is not computerized, very lacking in the plaid and about a quarter of the size. My option were therefore fairly limited but knew I could manage to scramble together something, how about her chic combo of a shrunken jumper over a shirt.

Now I am aware that Cher would probably be horrified that my colours aren't even close to matching, but duh its all about personal style!

Following a brilliant day of Vietnamese noodle soup washed down with beer at lunch and some Caramel nibbles purchased on the way home I realised that maybe dressing like Cher could be my route to happiness, I mean she really did have it down in the style stakes. More plaid is definitely a start.

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