Sunday, 21 March 2010

Sunday Sunny Sunday

Second-hand Jeans ~ Vintage Shoes ~ American Apparel Tank ~ Vintage Blouse ~ Levi Jacket ~ Vintage Bag

When I was younger Sunday was a day for long walks and simple pleasures, like poached eggs and Monarch of the Glen. But nowadays Sunday has become a day of recovery from the night before or a hard days work. So even though I was feeling undeniably fragile from last night, I decided a long leisurely walk to soak up the last rays of sunshine was definitely in order. And so was double deniming. I have been double deniming for a while now and today I used the simplest double denim combo; black jeans and blue jacket. The mix of black and blue denim hits the trend on the head but is a bit less scary than all out blue.
I know it maybe a faux pas but hey, rules are there to be broken.

What a beautiful Dalston day with my beautiful Dalston photographer.

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